School of Biological Sciences
Head Of Department's Message
Contact Us
Thrust areas
Research Projects
BRS 2017
BORS 2024
Special Recognitions
Scholars Enrolled (2019-2023)
CBCS Syllabus for PG BOTANY 2021 on wards
Programme Outcomes
CBCS Syllabus for PG BOTANY 2018 on wards
Entrance Test Syllabus for Integrated Ph.D
Batch 2019
Batch 2020
Batch 2021
Batch 2022
Batch 2023
Criterion 1
1.1.1 Programmes Offered
1.1.1 Programme Objectives and Outcomes
1.3 Syllabus
1.5B New Courses
Minutes of the BOS Meeting
Criterion 2
2.3.2 Mentorship (2019)
2.3.2 Mentorship (2020)
2.3.2 Mentorship (2021)
2.3.2 Mentorship (2022)
2.3.2 Mentorship (2023)
2.4.2 Teachers with PhD
Criterion 3
3.1.4 JRF/SRF
3.2.1 & 3.2.2 Research Funding
Award Letters 1
Award Letters 2
Award Letters 3
Award Letters 4
Award Letters 5
3.4.3 PhDs awarded
Certificates (1-20)
Certificates (21-39)
Certificates (40-57)
3.4.4 Research papers
3.4.5 Books/ Chapters
Criterion 4
4.2 Classrooms
4.3 Laboratories
4.8 Auditorium
4.11 Library
4.24 Research Facility
Other Facilities
4.1.4 Budget Allocation
4.2.4 Expenditure on Books/Journals
Criterion 5
5.1.1 Govt. Scholarships
5.1.4 Counseling/Guidance
5.2.1 Placements
5.2.2 Student Programs to HE
5.2.3 NET Qualified
5.4.3 Alumni Association Meetings
Criterion 6
6.3.3 Faculty Development Programmes
Criterion 7
Best Practices
Evaluation Report
Register As Alumni
Alumnni List
Date Sheet for 2nd Sem Batch 2022; Dated: 15-7-2023
Two-Days Student’s Meet; Dated: 23-10-2024
semester 1st Batch 2024 that their counselling and guidance; Dated: 16-9-2024
classwork 1st sem batch 2024; Dated: 12-9-2024
Practical datesheet of M Sc. Botany 2nd batch 2023; Dated: 19-9-2024
PhD Waiting List_Counselling; Dated: 20-8-2024
Practical examination of M Sc 2nd 3rd and 4th semesters for the batch (2022); Dated: 9-8-2024
4th semester theory examination datesheet of batch 2022; Dated: 1-8-2024
Datesheet for theory examination of 2nd semester batch 2023; Dated: 23-7-2024
Datesheet for 4th semester OE/GE examination (batch-2022); Dated: 4-7-2024
PhD Selection List_2024; Dated: 25-6-2024
Date sheet for M.Sc 2nd semester Batch 2023; Dated: 12-6-2024
Condolence Message; Dated: 3-6-2024
Notice regarding interaction on 27-05-2024 of eligible candidated for admission to PhD programme 2024; Dated: 24-5-2024
Project viva voce of batch 2021; Dated: 7-5-2024
Entrance syllabus; Dated: 24-2-2024
class work 2nd and 4th semester; Dated: 24-2-2024
1st semester theory examination batch 2023 w.e.f 15.01.2024; Dated: 3-1-2024
Condolence message; Dated: 1-1-2024
Datesheet for 3rd semester theory examination; Dated: 24-1-2024
practical datesheet of M sc. Botany 3rd & 4th sem batch 2021; Dated: 14-12-2023
Datesheet for 3rd semester OE/GE examination; Dated: 29-11-2023
3rd Semester GE/OE examination batch 2021 w.e.f 04.12.2023; Dated: 25-11-2023
1st semester GE/OE examination batch 2023 w.e.f 01.12.2023; Dated: 25-11-2023
4th semester theory examination datesheet of batch 2021; Dated: 27-11-2023
Selection list of students of M Sc. Botany batch 2023; Dated: 8-11-2023
Provisional admission of the candidates to PH.D programme in the discipline of Botany; Dated: 25-8-2023
4th semester OE/GE examination datesheet of batch 2021; Dated: 4-9-2023
Notification regarding classwork of M sc. Botany 3rd sem batch 2022; Dated: 21-8-2023
M.Sc. Botany 1st semester class work batch 2023; Dated: 14-8-2023
2nd semester theory examination datesheet w.e.f 20.07.2023; Dated: 20-7-2023
Datesheet for 2nd semester OE/GE examination 2023; Dated: 27-6-2023
Date sheet of M Sc. Botany 3rd semester theory examination batch 2021; Dated: 30-5-2023
Datesheet for 3rd semester OE/GE examination; Dated: 24-3-2023
Condolence Message; Dated: 21-2-2023
PG entrance test syllabus 2023; Dated: 20-1-2023
4th semester theory examination datesheet of batch 2020; Dated: 16-1-2023
1st semester theory examination batch 2022 w.e.f 28.12.2022; Dated: 28-12-2022
1st semester OE/GE examination batch 2022 w.e.f 19.12.2022; Dated: 19-12-2022
Date sheet for GE OE 1st semester batch 2022; Dated: 24-11-2022
Date sheet for 2nd semester theory examination batch 2021; Dated: 27-10-2022
Practical datesheet of M.Sc. Botany 2nd & 3rd semester batch 2020; Dated: 29-8-2022
Time Table_1st Semester; Dated: 12-8-2022
Datesheet for M.Sc. 2nd semester Batch 2021 (GE/OE) course examination; Dated: 12-8-2022
List of the candidates provisionally admitted to Ph. D programme in the discipline of Botany 2022; Dated: 12-8-2022
Classwork notification for M Sc. Botany 1st semester (batch-2022); Dated: 16-8-2022
Date sheet of M Sc. Botany 3rd semester theory examination batch 2020 of paper Cytogenetics and Genetics on 26th August 2022; Dated: 26-8-2022
Date sheet M.Sc Botany 1st and 3rd semester Missing papers Batch 2020-21; Dated: 22-7-2022
Date sheet of M Sc. Botany 3rd semester theory examination batch 2020; Dated: 3-8-2022
counselling Notice I.Ph.D/Ph.D; Dated: 23-6-2022
List of candidates to attend counselling session for admission to Integrated Ph D/Ph D Progamme on 28th June 2022 in the Department of Botany.; Dated: 28-6-2022
Interview Notification for the post of JRF in Botany; Dated: 13-6-2022
Notification for Plant collection trip to Hirpora/Peer Ki Gali on 28.05.2022; Dated: 28-5-2022
Time table for M. Sc. Botany 2nd semester May 2022 (Batch 2021); Dated: 20-5-2022
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW; Dated: 25-5-2022
Class work notification for M Sc. Botany 2nd semester students batch 2021; Dated: 23-5-2022
Datesheet for M. Sc. 3rd semester Batch2020 (GE/OE); Dated: 10-5-2022
Datesheet of M sc. Botany 1st semester theory examination; Dated: 22-4-2022
Viva Voce of Project work of M.Sc. Botany 4th semester batch 2019; Dated: 22-3-2022
PG syllabus Botany effective from 2021; Dated: 9-3-2022
Date sheet of M Sc.1st semester batch 2021 for GE and OE courses examination; Dated: 25-3-2022
Examination of 2nd semester for DCE papers scheduled to be held on 18.02.2022; Dated: 18-2-2022
PG Botany Entrance test Syllabus 2022; Dated: 10-2-2022
Date sheet for examination of M.Sc. Botany 2nd semester Batch 2020; Dated: 2-2-2022
Deferred examination of M.Sc. Botany 2nd semester; Dated: 17-1-2022
Notification regarding examination of 2nd semester paper Bot 18203 CR Cell and Molecular Biology; Dated: 24-1-2022
List of candidates who are enrolled for the batch 2021-2022 in the Department of Botany.; Dated: 23-12-2021
Datesheet for M. Sc.2nd semester batch 2020 theory examination; Dated: 22-12-2021
notification regarding admission to Ph.D programme in the Department of Botany; Dated: 13-12-2021
Date sheet for Practical examination of M.Sc. Botany 3rd & 4th semester (Batch-2019); Dated: 13-12-2021
Submission of project work of M.Sc. Botany 4th semester batch 2019; Dated: 8-12-2021
list of the candidates provisionally admitted to Ph. D programme in the discipline of Botany; Dated: 8-12-2021
Provisional admission of the candidate to Ph. D programme in the discipline of Botany; Dated: 8-12-2021
Datesheet for M. Sc.2nd semester batch 2020 Generic Elective and Open Elective (GE/OE) courses; Dated: 24-12-2021
Offline timetable of M.Sc. Botany 1st semester for Academic session 2021(batch-2021); Dated: 17-11-2021
Conduct of offline practical examination of M.Sc.Botany 1st semester batch 2020; Dated: 26-10-2021
Datesheet for M. Sc. Botany 4th semester October 2021 (regular-batch-2019/Backlog/Div); Dated: 20-10-2021
Datesheet for M. Sc. Botany 4th semester October 2021 (regular-batch-2019/Backlog/Div Improvement); Dated: 20-10-2021
Counselling cum interaction on 22-09-2021 for those exempted candidates who applied for admission to Ph.D 2021; Dated: 16-9-2021
Online time table M.Sc 2nd semester; Dated: 23-8-2021
Datesheet for M. Sc. Botany 4th semester batch 2019 (OE/GE); Dated: 23-8-2021
e-tender cancellation notice FIST; Dated: 11-8-2021
re-examination of paper Bot18007 GE of Zubair Ahmad Bhat; Dated: 6-8-2021
Syllabus for Entrance Test integrated Ph. D programme 2021; Dated: 8-7-2021
Dates sheet for conduct of practical examination of Botany 4th semester (Batch-2018); Dated: 2-7-2021
Online time table for Generic Elective and Open Elective (GE/OE) courses of M.Sc 4th Semester Batch-2019; Dated: 2-6-2021
Date Sheet for M.Sc 1st semester Examination june 2021 Regular batch 2020; Dated: 24-5-2021
Date sheet for M.S. 1st semester session May 2021 Regular Batch 2020-Generic; Dated: 13-5-2021
Date sheet of 1st semester batch 2020 for GE and OE courses examination; Dated: 17-4-2021
Datesheet for M. Sc. Botany 3rd semester April 2021 (regular-batch-2019/Backlog/Div. improvement); Dated: 5-4-2021
Datesheet for M. Sc. Botany 4th semester April 2021 (regular-batch-2018/Backlog/Div); Dated: 5-4-2021
Datesheet for M.Sc 3rd semester (batch 2019) and 4th semester (batch 2018) Generic Elective and Open Elective (GE/OE) examination; Dated: 22-2-2021
Practical examinatrion datesheet for M.Sc. 3rd semester batch 2018; Dated: 21-12-2020
Date sheet M.Sc 2nd and 3rd semester; Dated: 22-10-2020
Date sheet for M.Sc. 2nd sem regular batch 2019/backlog batch 2018 and M.Sc 3rd semster regular batch 2018/ backlog batch 2017; Dated: 9-10-2020
Date sheet for M.Sc. 2nd semester ( regular batch 2019/backlog 2018) and M Sc.3rd semester ( regular batch 2018/backlog 2017); Dated: 9-10-2020
Practical Date sheet Botany batch 2018; Dated: 8-9-2020
Practical Date sheet Botany batch 2018; Dated: 10-9-2020
Practical Examination M. Sc Botany Semester 1st and 2nd; Dated: 12-9-2020
Notice I-Ph. D/Ph. D councilling; Dated: 1-9-2020
Practical Date sheet Botany batch 2018; Dated: 21-8-2020
Time Table OE/GE Botany 2020; Dated: 16-6-2020
List of selected candidates for session 2019/Roll No. series; Dated: 4-2-2020
It is notified for the information of all the students of MSC Botany 4th sem Batch 2017 that their PROJECT VIVA VOCE will be held on 27-01-2020 at 10:30 AM; Dated: 22-1-2020
Notified for the information of all the concerned that Examination in GE course Weed management BOT-17005GE shall be held on 29-01-2020 at 12:00 Noon in the Department of Botany; Dated: 22-1-2020
Date sheet OE GE 4th semester; Dated: 23-11-2019
Date sheet of theory examination of M.Sc. Botany 4th semester (Batch-2017); Dated: 20-11-2019
Datesheet for OE/GE students Semester 1st (batch-2018); Dated: 4-7-2019
Date sheet for OE/GE for semester 1st (batch-2018); Dated: 4-7-2019
Datesheet for M.Sc. Botany Ist semester (Mercy chance/Division Improvement); Dated: 17-6-2019
Date sheet of M.Sc. Botany Ist semeter regular theory examination; Dated: 13-6-2019
Datesheet for paper Biotechniques for batch 2016 OE GE; Dated: 21-5-2019
Detiled Auction Notice; Dated: 20-4-2019
continuous assesment test of 3rd semester; Dated: 1-4-2019
Date sheet (Theory examination) of M.Sc Botany 3rd semester (batch 2017); Dated: 3-4-2019
Date sheet for OE GE semester 3rd; Dated: 15-2-2019
PhD List 2018-19; Dated: 29-12-2018
List of candidates selected for MSc in Botany (2018-19); Dated: 9-1-2019
Selected list of candidates enrolled in the Department for the session 2018-19; Dated: 27-12-2018
Datesheet for backlog students of M Sc Botany semester Ist, 2nd and 3rd (batch 2016); Dated: 3-12-2018
Project Notice; Dated: 29-10-2018
examination of IInd semester (batch 2017); Dated: 14-9-2018
Datesheet of M.Sc. Botany IInd semester theory examination; Dated: 29-8-2018
Notification regarding examination; Dated: 27-8-2018
Syllabi for Under graduate Botany 3 to 6th Semesters including DSEs and Skill Enhancement courses CBCS system @; Dated: 4-8-2018
Datesheet of M.Sc. Botany IInd semester theory examination; Dated: 27-8-2018
Date sheet of M. Sc. Botany IVth semester theory examination (batch 2016); Dated: 8-8-2018
Modified syllabus for undergraduate botany Skill courses Ethnobotany and Medicinal plant 1; Dated: 27-7-2018
Datesheet of OE/GE examination for IInd semester (Batch-2017); Dated: 28-7-2018
syllabus for 3 year integrated PhD entrance test 2018; Dated: 14-6-2018
Datesheet of OE/GE examination of Semester 4th ( Batch - 2016); Dated: 2-7-2018
Syllabi for Under graduate Botany DSEs and Skill Enhancement courses 5th and 6th semester; Dated: 10-5-2018
Date sheet of Ist Semester examination 2017 Autumn (Batch 2017) OE/GE Courses; Dated: 2-3-2018
Project viva-voce of M.Sc. IVth Semester (2015 batch); Dated: 30-1-2018
Examination of Backlog papers (2014 and 2015 batch); Dated: 24-1-2018
Display of Marks obtained in BOT15311OE-Fundamentals of Bio-Sciences :regarding discrepancy report within 5 days; Dated: 4-12-2017
DATE SHEET for M.Sc (Botany) Semester 1st batch 2017; Dated: 4-12-2017
DATE SHEET for M.Sc (Botany) Semester 3rd batch 2016; Dated: 4-12-2017
Display of Marks obtained in BASICS OF LIFE SCIENCE (BOT15407OE) :regarding discrepancy report within 5 days; Dated: 29-11-2017
DATE SHEET for M.Sc (Botany) Semester 4th batch 2015; Dated: 21-11-2017
Date Sheet 3rd semester batch 2016 OE GE; Dated: 24-10-2017
Syllabi Semester 3rd & 4th and Skill enhancement courses UG BOTANY; Dated: 5-10-2017
UG BOTANY Syllabi SEMESTER 3rd & 4th; Dated: 5-10-2017
Floating of Skill Enhancement Courses Botany (Semester 3 & 4) at UG level; Dated: 5-10-2017
Date sheet Semester Ist Continouous Assessment I; Dated: 14-9-2017
Syllabus M.Sc. Ist Semester 2017; Dated: 8-9-2017
The Practical Examinmation M.SC. Botany semester 1st and 2nd (batch 2016) will be from 3-7-2017; Dated: 22-6-2017
Term End Examination of OE/GE in Biosatatistics, fruits of kashmir will be held on 21-06-2017 (backlog); Dated: 19-6-2017
revised date sheet OE GE; Dated: 12-6-2017
Syllabi for Under graduate Botany 3 to 6th Semesters including DSEs and Skill Enhancement courses CBCS system; Dated: 4-8-2018
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