Research Papers Published
- "Conyza canadensis suppresses plant diversity in its non-native ranges but not at home: a transcontinental approach." New Phytologist, 202(4): 1286 -1296 {ISSN: ISSN: 1469} Impact Factor= 6.73
- "Performance of the herb Verbascum thapsus along environmental gradients in its native and non-native ranges." Journal of Biogeography, (DOI), 0(0): 0 -0 {ISSN: 1365-2699} Impact Factor= 4.969
- "Phenotypic plasticity: Cause of the successful spread of the genus Potamogeton in the Kashmir Himalaya." Aquatic Botany (DOI), 0(0): 0 -0 {ISSN: 0304-3770} Impact Factor= 1.471
- ". Components, Processes and Consequences of Biotic Homogenization: A Review" Contemporary Problems of Ecology,, 7(2): 123 -136 {ISSN: 1995-4255} Impact Factor= 0.140
- "Characterization of alien aquatic flora of Kashmir Himalaya: implications for invasion management" Tropical Ecology, 55(2): 143 -157 {ISSN: 0564-3295} Impact Factor= 0.7
- "Effect of butachlor (G) on soil enzyme activity" European Journal of Soil Biology, 61(0): 94 -100 {ISSN: 1365-2389} Impact Factor= 2.0
- "Heavy metal sequestration by Potamogeton natans and Ceratophyllum demersum in a Himalayan RAMSAR site: management implications." Wetlands Ecology and Management (DOI), 0(0): 0 -0 {ISSN: 0923-4861} Impact Factor= 1.218
- "CpDNA polymorphic microsatellite markers for Lemna minor: phylogeographic implications." Applications in Plant Sciences (DOI), 0(0): 0 -0 Impact Factor=
- ". Effect of different nitrogen and carbon sources and concentrations on the mycelial growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi under in-vitro conditions." Scavandian Journal of Forest Research. (Accepted), 0(0): 0 -0 {ISSN: 0282-7581} Impact Factor= 1.115
- ". Ectomycorrhizal fungal species of Kashmir Himalaya: identification and characterization by ITS analysis (DOI)" Brazilian Journal of Botany, 37(4): 531 -542 {ISSN: 0100-840} Impact Factor=
- ". Influence of ectomycorrhizal inoculation on Pinus wallichiana and Cedrus deodara seedlings under nursery conditions." Frontiers in Biology, 9(82): 82 -88 {ISSN: 1674-7984} Impact Factor=
- "regional guidelines. A case study from Kashmir Himalaya." Journal for Nature Conservation (DOI), 0(0): 0 -0 {ISSN: 1617-1381} Impact Factor= 1.833
- "Four newly recorded species of Dryopteridaceae from Kashmir Valley, India." Biodiversity, 15(0): 6 -11 {ISSN: 1412-033X} Impact Factor=
- "New records of Pteridophytes for Kashmir Valley, India." Biodiversity, 15(0): 131 -136 {ISSN: 1412-033X} Impact Factor=
- "Ferns and fern allies of District Shopian, Kashmir Valley, India." Biodiversity, 16(0): 27 -43 {ISSN: 1412-033X} Impact Factor=
- "Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of methanol extracts of Crocus sativus L. c.v. Kashmirianus" Frontiers in Life Science. (DOI), 0(0): 0 -0 {ISSN: 2155-3769} Impact Factor= 0.227
- "Distribution pattern of rooted floating leaf type macrophytes in response to water depth in a fresh water lake of Kashmir Himalaya" J Ecosys Ecograph (Accepted), 0(0): DOI No. 10.4172/2 Impact Factor=
- "Clonal growth architecture and spatial dynamics of 10 species of the genus Potamogeton across different habitats in Kashmir Valley, India." Hydrobiology (Accepted), 0(0): DOI No. 10.1007/s Impact Factor= 2.275
- "Typha orientalis Presl (Typhaceae): a new species record for India." Checklist (Accepted), 0(0): DOI No. dx.doi.or Impact Factor=
- "A cross-city molecular biogeographic investigation of arbuscular mycorrhizas in Conyza canadensis rhizosphere across native and non-native regions" Ecological Processes (Accepted), 0(0): DOI No. 10.1186/s Impact Factor=
- "Reproductive ecology of Potamogeton pectinatus L. (= Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner) in relation to its spread and abundance in freshwater ecosystems of Kashmir Valley, India." Tropical Ecology (Accepted), 0(0): 0 -0 Impact Factor= 0.708
- "Influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors on the species distribution in alpine rangelands of Gurez valley, Kashmir, India" Tropical Ecology, 56(3): 335 -346 Impact Factor= 0.708
- "Morphological and molecular characterization of the ectomycorrhiza Amanita sp. associated with Pinus wallichiana A. B. Jacks." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: (Accepted)Biological Sciences, 0(0): 0 -0 Impact Factor= 0.396
- "Ceratophyllum platyacanthum subsp. oryzetorum (Kom.) Les : A Plant New to the Indian Subcontinent from Kashmir Himalaya." Checklist (Accepted), 0(0): 0 -0 Impact Factor=
- "A novel mechanism of self-pollination in Ajuga bracteosa Wallich ex Benth" Current
Science (Accepted), 0(0): 0 -0 Impact Factor=
- "Taxonomic diversity, distribution pattern and management implications of weed flora in rice fields of Kashmir Valley" Indian Journal of Weed Science, 47(1): 11 -15 Impact Factor=
- "Roads act as corridors for the spread of alien plant species in the mountainous regions: A case study of Kashmir Valley, India" Tropical Ecology, 56(2): 183 -190 Impact Factor= 0.708
- "Floristic composition and diversity patterns of vascular plants in mountain meadow of Gurez Valley, Kashmir, India." Taiwania, 60(0): 8 -17 Impact Factor=
- "Do alien plant invasions cause biotic homogenization of terrestrial ecosystems in the Kashmir Valley, India?" Tropical Ecology, 56(0): 111 -123 Impact Factor= 0.708
- "Ferns and fern allies of District Shopian, Kashmir Valley, India." Biodiversitas, 16(0): 27 -43 Impact Factor=
- "Low genetic diversity despite multiple introductions of the invasive plant species Impatiens glandulifera in Europe" BMC Genetics (Accepted), 0(0): DOI No. 10.1186/s Impact Factor= 2.40
- "Invasion by Conyza sumatrensis alters soil microbial community structure in urban ecosystems" Ecological Processes, 5(10): DOI No. 10.1186/s13717-016-0054-4 {ISSN: 2192-1709} Impact Factor=
- ". Reproductive ecology of Potamogeton pectinatus L. (= Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner) in relation to its spread and abundance in freshwater ecosystems of Kashmir Valley, India." Tropical Ecology, 57(4): 787 -803 {ISSN: 0564-3295} Impact Factor= 0.887
- "Ectomycorrhizae: Activity and Growth" European Academic Research, 4(5): 4481 -4505 Impact Factor=
- "Management of Nymphoides peltatum using water level fluctuations in freshwater lakes of Kashmir Himalaya" Limnology, 0(0): DOI No. 10.1007/s10201-016-0503-x {ISSN: 1439-8621} Impact Factor= 0.745
- "Aquatic Plant Hydrocharis morsus-ranae (Hydrocharitaceae), Reaching to the Kashmir Himalaya" Journal of Japanese Botany, 91(0): 100 -104 {ISSN: 00222062} Impact Factor=
- "Pre-adaptation or genetic shift after introduction in the invasive species Impatiens glandulifera" Acta Oecologica, 70(0): 60 -66 {ISSN: 1146-609X} Impact Factor= 1.420
- "Clonal growth architecture and spatial dynamics of 10 species of the genus Potamogeton across different habitats in Kashmir Valley, India" Hydrobiologia, 767(0): 289 -299 {ISSN: 0018-8158} Impact Factor= 2.051
- "Fruit morphology of the genus Potamogeton L. in Kashmir Himalaya and its utility in taxonomic delimitation" Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 10(2): 274 -278 {ISSN: 2287-884x} Impact Factor=
- "Biology of Amaranths" Botanical Review, 83(4): 382 -436 Impact Factor= 2.769
- "Plus tree selection and their seed germination in Pinus wallichiana A.B. Jackson from Kashmir Himalaya, India-an approach basic and fundamental in genetic tree improvement of the species" NEBIO, 8(4): 279 -286 Impact Factor=
- "Stigmatic movement promotes cross pollination in Rheum webbianum Royle: An important endemic medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya" National Academy Science Letters, 40(6): 435 -438 Impact Factor= 0.369
- "Pteridophyte diversity in Hirpora wildlife sanctuary, Shopian, Kashmir Valley, Jammu & Kashmir" Indian Forester, 143(3): 254 -261 Impact Factor=
- "Vehicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi-as a major biocontrol agent in modern sustainable agriculture system" Russian Agricultural Sciences, 43(2): 132 -137 Impact Factor=
- "Management of Nymphoides pefltatum using water level fluctuations in freshwater lakes of Kashmir Himalaya" Limnology, 18(2): 219 -231 Impact Factor= 0.913
- "Polyploidy determines the stage of invasion: clues from Kashmir
Himalayan aquatic flora" Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 40(58): DOI No. Impact Factor= 1.364
- "Root-associated fungi of Pinus wallichiana in Kashmir Himalaya" Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 48(8): 923 -929 Impact Factor= 1.887
- "Altitudinal distribution of native and alien plant species along roadsides in Kashmir Himalaya, India" Tropical Ecology, 59(1): 1 -11 Impact Factor= 0.88
- "Silicon supplementation of rescuegrass reduces herbivory by a grasshopper" Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 10(0): DOI No. 10.3389/fpls.2019.00671 Impact Factor= 3.667
- "Phytoliths as proxies of the past" Earth Science Reviews, 194(0): 234 -250 Impact Factor= 7.339
- "Climate outweighs native vs nonnative range-effects for genetics and ommon garden performance of a cosmopolitan weed" Ecological Monogrpahs, 00(00): DOI No. Impact Factor= 7.698
- "Stage-specific ploidy level variations in invasive species in comparison to rare endemics in Kashmir Himalaya" Flora, 262(151525): DOI No. Impact Factor= 1.423
Books Published
- "Jatropha curcas: A Prospective Energy Crop. In: Khalid Rehman Hakeem, Mohammad Jawaid and Umer Rashid(eds.) Biomass and Bioenergy: Processing and Properties.". Springer International Publishing Print. {ISBN: 978-3-319-07640-9} pp 17
- "Constructed Wetlands: Role in Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals". Springer International Publishing. pp 15
- "Mycorrhiza-Nutrient uptake, Biocontrol, Ecorestoration/Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: A potential tool for restoration of degraded land". Springer International Publishing AG. pp 22