Research Papers Published
- "Medicinal importance of Ajuga bracteosa Wall ex Benth.-A review" International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(2): 389 -394 {ISSN: 2320-5407} Impact Factor= 1.659
- "Medicinal importance of Genus Atropa Royle-A Review" International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(2): 48 -54 {ISSN: 2320-5407} Impact Factor= 1.659
- "In vitro asymbiotic seed germination leading to protocorm formation in Cephelanthera longifolia (L.)Fritsch an endangered orchid of Kashmir Himalaya" Journal of Biotechnology, 3(3): 26 -30 {ISSN: 2319-2359} Impact Factor=
- "Evaluation of diversity and habitat types of some orchid species growing in Kashmir Himalaya" Species, 10(22): 8 -13 Impact Factor= 1.4
- "Rapid in vitro propagation of Inula royleana DC. through embryo culture" Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research, 3(2): 203 -206 Impact Factor=
- "Chemical composition & medicinal importance of Bunium persicum (Boiss.) B.fedtsch. – A review" International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(7): 244 -247 Impact Factor=
- "International Journal of Advanced Research" International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(7): 261 -267 Impact Factor=
- "Callus induction and shoot regeneration of Atropa acuminata Royle-a critically endangered medicinal plant species growing in Kashmir Himalaya" Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research., 3(3): 332 -336 Impact Factor=
- "Callus induction and multiple shoot regeneration in Ajuga bracteosa Wall ex. Benth.-An important medicinal plant growing in Kashmir Himalaya." Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research, 3(3): 319 -324 Impact Factor=
- "A rapid in vitro propagation protocol of Bunium persicum Boiss.)B.Fedtsch. growing in Kashmir, Himalaya." Species, 12(34): 67 -72 {ISSN: 2319-5746} Impact Factor=
- "In vitro propagation strategies for ex- situ conservation of Inula royleana DC., a threatened medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya." Discovery Biotechnology, 6(16): 16 -29 {ISSN: 2319-7773} Impact Factor=
- "Auxin induced germination and plant let regeneration via rhizome section culture in Spiranthes sinensis (Pers.)Ames: A Vulnerable medicinal orchid of Kashmir Himalaya." Journal and Biotechnology and Biochemistry
1(2):17-20, 1(2): 17 -20 {ISSN: 0976-6235} Impact Factor=
- "Phtochemical screening of Meconopsis aculeata,an important medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya:A Perspective" Reserarch Journal of Phytochemistry, 1(10): 1 -9 {ISSN: 2151-6081} Impact Factor=
- "Micropropagation of some medicinally important plant species of family lamiaceae-a review" International journal of bioscience and technology, 9(11): 64 -73 {ISSN: 0974-3987} Impact Factor=
- "Effective exsitu conservation strategies of Saussure Costus (Falc.) Lipsch An endangered medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya." Saussurea, 6(5): 342 -349 {ISSN: 0373-2525} Impact Factor=
- "Dactylorhiza umbrosa(Kar.&Kir) Nevski.(Orchidaceae): an addition to flora of india from Kashmir Himalaya" Checklist, 12(3): 01 -04 {ISSN: 1809-127x} Impact Factor=
- "A new monopartite Begomovirus associated with betasatellite molecule causing leaf curl disease of chilli in India" . International Journal of Advanced Research, 4(4): 636 -641 {ISSN: 23205407} Impact Factor=
- "Complete nucleotide sequence of a monopartite tomato leaf curl new dehli virus and betasatellite DNA associated with leaf curl disease of tomato in india." . International Journal of Advanced Research, 5(1): 1683 -1686 {ISSN: 232054} Impact Factor=
- "A review on in vitro propagation of some medicinally important plant species of family Asparagaceae." International journal of bioscience and technology, 10(1): 01 -12 {ISSN: 0974-3987} Impact Factor=
- "). A rapid micropropagation protocol of Atropa acuminata Royle- a threatened medicinal plant species of Kashmir Himalaya." Indian journal of biotechnology., 15(1): 576 -580 {ISSN: 0975-0967} Impact Factor=
- "Phytochemical screening of Meconopsis aculeata Royle, an important medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya:" A Perspective Research Journal of Photochemistry, 10(1): 01 -09 {ISSN: 18193471} Impact Factor=
- "In vitro Propagation of Polygonatum verticillatum All. A Threatened Medicinal Herb through Seed Explant." Journal of Scientific Research, 64(2): 111 -117 Impact Factor=
- "Efficient In-vitro Propagation of Saussurea costus" Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 11(5): 1100 -1105 {ISSN: 0976-1675} Impact Factor=
- "Callus induction and axillary shoot formation in Asparagus racemosus Willd." current botany, 11(0): 148 -151 {ISSN: 2220-4822} Impact Factor=
- "Impacts of habitat variability on the phenotypic traits of Aconitum Violaceum Jacq.ex.Stapf at different altitudes and environmental conditions in the Ladakh Himalaya ,India." Plant Science Today, 9(3): 546 -554 {ISSN: 2348-1900} Impact Factor= 0.17
- "Micropropagation using direct and indirect organogenesis in Artemisia maritima L: scanning electron microscopy of somatic embryos and genome size analysis by flow cytometry" In vitro cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant, 58(6): 1012 -1024 {ISSN: 1054-5476} Impact Factor= 2.4
- "In vitro Propagation of Aconitum violaceum Jacq.ex Stapf through Seed Culture and Somatic Embryogenesis" Horticulturae, 8(7): DOI No. 599 {ISSN: 2311-7524} Impact Factor= 2.9
- "Pretreatment comparsion of seed germination of Heracleum candicans" journal of Plant Sciences, 17(1): 62 -65 {ISSN: 0168-9452} Impact Factor= 0
- "Chemical characterization and the intrusion through elicitation and Agrobacterium rhizogenes mediated hairy root transformation in Saussurea costus C.B. Clarke" Physiol Mol Biol Plants, 29(0): 87 -91 {ISSN: 0971-5894} Impact Factor= 3.44
- "Seed viability, seed germination, and micropropagation of Aconitum
violaceum Jacq. ex Stapf—a rare and threatened medicinal plant
of Ladakh Himalaya" In vitro cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant, 0(0): DOI No. 0 {ISSN: 1054-5476} Impact Factor= 2.4
Books Published
- "Omics Technology
in Antidiabetic Plant Research.". Tylor &
Francis. {ISBN: 978-1-77491-008-5} pp 0