Research Papers Published
- "Medicinal importance of Ajuga bracteosa Wall ex Benth.-A review" International Journal of Advanced Research, 1(2): 389 -394 {ISSN: 2320-5407} Impact Factor= 1.659
- "Medicinal importance of Genus Atropa Royle-A Review" International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(2): 48 -54 {ISSN: 2320-5407} Impact Factor= 1.659
- "In vitro asymbiotic seed germination leading to protocorm formation in Cephelanthera longifolia (L.)Fritsch an endangered orchid of Kashmir Himalaya" Journal of Biotechnology, 3(1): 26 -30 {ISSN: 2319-2359} Impact Factor=
- "Evaluation of diversity and habitat types of some orchid species growing in Kashmir Himalaya" Species, 10(22): 8 -13 {ISSN: 2319 – 574} Impact Factor= 1.4
- "Rapid in vitro propagation of Inula royleana DC. through embryo culture" Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research., 3(2): 203 -206 Impact Factor=
- "Chemical composition & medicinal importance of Bunium persicum (Boiss.) B.fedtsch. – A review" International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(7): 244 -247 Impact Factor=
- "Medicinal importance of Genus Rheum -A review." International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(7): 261 -267 Impact Factor=
- "Callus induction and shoot regeneration of Atropa acuminata Royle-a critically endangered medicinal plant species growing in Kashmir Himalaya" Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research, 3(3): 332 -336 Impact Factor=
- "Callus induction and multiple shoot regeneration in Ajuga bracteosa Wall ex. Benth.-An important medicinal plant growing in Kashmir Himalaya" Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research, 3(3): 319 -324 Impact Factor=
- "In vitro propagation strategies for exsitu conservation of Inula royeleana DC, a threatened medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya." Discovery Biotechnology, 6(16): 16 -29 {ISSN: 2319-77733} Impact Factor=
- "Auxin induced germination and plant let regeneration viab rhizome section culture in Spiranthes sinensis, (Pers) Ames. A vulnerable medicinal orchid of Kashmir Himalaya." Journal Of Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 1(2): 17 -20 Impact Factor=
- "an effecient invitro reneration protocol of an endangered medicinally important herb Fagopyrum dibotrys growing in Kashmir Himalaya." International Journal of Biotechnology, 4(1): 12 -15 {ISSN: 2319-3859} Impact Factor=
- "Conservation strategies of Sassurea Costus, Critically endangered medicinal herb growing in Kashmir Himalaya-A Review." International Journal of Science and Research, 4(7): 257 -280 {ISSN: 2277-8179} Impact Factor=
- "Phytochemical screening of Meconopsis aculeata Royle, an important medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya: A Perspective" Research Journal of Photochemistry, 10(1): 1 -9 {ISSN: 1819-3471} Impact Factor=
- "Phytochemical screening of Meconopsis aculeata Royle, an important medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya: A Perspective" Research Journal of Phytochemistry, 10(1): 1 -9 {ISSN: 1819-3471} Impact Factor=
- "Antifungal activity and phytochemical screening of Origanum vulgare L.growing wild in Kashmir Himalaya" International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, 3(2): 108 -115 {ISSN: 2348-7968} Impact Factor=
- "Quantative analaysis of the essential oil of Origanum vulgare (L) growing in the Kashmir valley" International Journal of Applied Research, 2(2): 552 -557 {ISSN: 2394-384x} Impact Factor=
- "Callus induction studies in Aquilegia nivalis Flac Ex Jackson:An endangered medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya: A Perspective" Journal of Plant sciences, 11(1): DOI No. 10:3923/jps; Impact Factor=
- "Dactylorhiza umbrosa (Kar. & Kir.) Nevski (Orchidaceae): an addition to flora of India from Kashmir Himalaya" Check List, 12(3): DOI No. {ISSN: 1809-127x} Impact Factor=
- "Effective Ex Situ Conservation Strategies of Saussurea Costus (Falc.) Lipsch
An Endangered Medicinal Plant of Kashmir Himalaya" Sassurea, 6(5): 342 -349 {ISSN: 0373-2525} Impact Factor=
- "Phytochemical Screening of Aquilegia nivalis Flax Jackson: An Important Medicinal Plant of Kashmir Himalaya: A Perspective." Advances in Biomedicine and Pharmacy, 4(1): 6 -12 {ISSN: 2313-7479} Impact Factor=
- "A review on in vitro propagation of some medicinally important plant species of family Asparagaceae." International Journal of BioSciences and Technology, 10(1): 1 -12 {ISSN: 0974 – 398} Impact Factor=
- "Effective Ex Situ Conservation Strategies of Saussurea Costus (Falc.) Lipsch An Endangered Medicinal Plant of Kashmir Himalaya" Saussurea, 6(5): 342 -349 {ISSN: 0373 - 25} Impact Factor=
- "A rapid micropropagation protocol of
Atropa acuminata
Royle ex Lindl.
threatened medicinal plant species of Kashmir Himalaya" Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 15(1): 576 -578 {ISSN: 0975-0967} Impact Factor= 0.289
- "Effect of Cytokinins on Multiple Shoot Regeneration from Leaf Derived Callus of Inula royleana DC." Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech, 27(2): 189 -194 {ISSN: 1817-3721} Impact Factor=
- "Effective Ex Situ Conservation Strategies of Saussurea Costus (Falc.) Lipsch An Endangered Medicinal Plant of Kashmir Himalay" " Saussurea, 6(5): 342 -349 {ISSN: 0373 - 25}} Impact Factor=
- "Phytochemical screening of Meconopsis aculeata Royle, an important medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya:" A Perspective Research Journal of Phytochemistry, 10(1): 1 -9 Impact Factor=
- "A review on in vitro propagation of some medicinally important plant species of family Asparagaceae" International Journal of BioSciences and Technology, 10(1): 1 - {ISSN: 0974 – 398} Impact Factor=
- "Effect of Cytokinins on Multiple Shoot Regeneration from Leaf Derived Callus of Inula royleana DC" Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech, 27(2): 189 -194 Impact Factor=
- "A rapid micropropagation protocol of Atropa acuminata Royle ex Lindl. - A threatened medicinal plant species of Kashmir Himalaya" Indian Journal of Biotechnology,, 15(1): 576 -578 {ISSN: 0975-0967} Impact Factor=
- "Inventory and characterization of new populations through ecological niche modelling improve threat assessment" Current Science., 114(3): 519 -531 Impact Factor=
- "Germination Studies of Critically E ndangered Angiosperm Plant Species Meconopsis aculata Royle Endemic to Kashmir Himalaya,India: A multipurpose Species" Medicinal &Aromatic Plants, 7(1): 1 -6 {ISSN: 2167-0412}} Impact Factor=
- "An efficient in vitro regeneration protocol from leaf explant of Lavatara cashmeriana Cambess: an important endemic medicinal herb of Kashmir Himalaya" Discovery Agriculture, 7(3): 326 -336 {ISSN: 2347-3819} Impact Factor=
- "Influence of explant and plant growth regulators on callus mediated regeneration in Lavatara cashmeriana, Cambess" Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7(3): 326 -336 Impact Factor=
FOR KASHMIR HIMALAYA, INDIA" Lankesteriana, 18(2): 151 -154 {ISSN: 1409-3871} Impact Factor=
- "In vitro propagation of Kashmir Himalayan Rhododendron (Rhododendron anthopogon D.Don)." International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Engineering, 7(4): 2136 -2141 {ISSN: 2319-8354} Impact Factor=
- "In vitro plant regeneration from hypocotyl explants of Rheum webbianum Royle." International Journal of Trends in Scientific Research and Development, 2(2): 1135 -1139 {ISSN: 2456-6470} Impact Factor=
- "Somatic embryogenesis and synthetic seed development in Bunium persicum B.Fedtsch." International journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, 7(1): 1969 -1975 {ISSN: 2319-8354} Impact Factor=
- "Comparative Effect of Different Nutrient Media on Regeneration Potential of Petiole Explants of Inula Royleana DC., A Multipurpose Plant Species of Kashmir Himalaya." Asian Journal of Plant Science and Research, 8(2): 15 -18 {ISSN: 2249-7412} Impact Factor=
- "Genetic stability using RAPD and ISSR markers in efficiently in vitro regenerated plants of Inula royleana DC" Meta Gene, 18(1): 100 -106 {ISSN: 2214-5400} Impact Factor=