
Faculty Details

  • Citations 682
  • HIndex 14
  • i10 Index 23
  • Mobile 9906535867
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  • Administrative position Held Head Department of Boatny ,Director University Landscape Development Division University of Kashmir & Incharge Kashmir University Botanical Garden
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Research Papers Published

  • "Medicinal importance of Ajuga bracteosa Wall ex Benth.-A review" International Journal of Advanced Research, 1(2): 389 -394 {ISSN: 2320-5407} Impact Factor= 1.659
  • "Medicinal importance of Genus Atropa Royle-A Review" International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(2): 48 -54 {ISSN: 2320-5407} Impact Factor= 1.659
  • "In vitro asymbiotic seed germination leading to protocorm formation in Cephelanthera longifolia (L.)Fritsch an endangered orchid of Kashmir Himalaya" Journal of Biotechnology, 3(1): 26 -30 {ISSN: 2319-2359} Impact Factor=
  • "Evaluation of diversity and habitat types of some orchid species growing in Kashmir Himalaya" Species, 10(22): 8 -13 {ISSN: 2319 – 574} Impact Factor= 1.4
  • "Rapid in vitro propagation of Inula royleana DC. through embryo culture" Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research., 3(2): 203 -206 Impact Factor=
  • "Chemical composition & medicinal importance of Bunium persicum (Boiss.) B.fedtsch. – A review" International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(7): 244 -247 Impact Factor=
  • "Medicinal importance of Genus Rheum -A review." International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(7): 261 -267 Impact Factor=
  • "Callus induction and shoot regeneration of Atropa acuminata Royle-a critically endangered medicinal plant species growing in Kashmir Himalaya" Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research, 3(3): 332 -336 Impact Factor=
  • "Callus induction and multiple shoot regeneration in Ajuga bracteosa Wall ex. Benth.-An important medicinal plant growing in Kashmir Himalaya" Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research, 3(3): 319 -324 Impact Factor=
  • "In vitro propagation strategies for exsitu conservation of Inula royeleana DC, a threatened medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya." Discovery Biotechnology, 6(16): 16 -29 {ISSN: 2319-77733} Impact Factor=
  • "Auxin induced germination and plant let regeneration viab rhizome section culture in Spiranthes sinensis, (Pers) Ames. A vulnerable medicinal orchid of Kashmir Himalaya." Journal Of Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 1(2): 17 -20 Impact Factor=
  • "an effecient invitro reneration protocol of an endangered medicinally important herb Fagopyrum dibotrys growing in Kashmir Himalaya." International Journal of Biotechnology, 4(1): 12 -15 {ISSN: 2319-3859} Impact Factor=
  • "Conservation strategies of Sassurea Costus, Critically endangered medicinal herb growing in Kashmir Himalaya-A Review." International Journal of Science and Research, 4(7): 257 -280 {ISSN: 2277-8179} Impact Factor=
  • "Phytochemical screening of Meconopsis aculeata Royle, an important medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya: A Perspective" Research Journal of Photochemistry, 10(1): 1 -9 {ISSN: 1819-3471} Impact Factor=
  • "Phytochemical screening of Meconopsis aculeata Royle, an important medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya: A Perspective" Research Journal of Phytochemistry, 10(1): 1 -9 {ISSN: 1819-3471} Impact Factor=
  • "Antifungal activity and phytochemical screening of Origanum vulgare L.growing wild in Kashmir Himalaya" International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, 3(2): 108 -115 {ISSN: 2348-7968} Impact Factor=
  • "Quantative analaysis of the essential oil of Origanum vulgare (L) growing in the Kashmir valley" International Journal of Applied Research, 2(2): 552 -557 {ISSN: 2394-384x} Impact Factor=
  • "Callus induction studies in Aquilegia nivalis Flac Ex Jackson:An endangered medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya: A Perspective" Journal of Plant sciences, 11(1): DOI No. 10:3923/jps; Impact Factor=
  • "Dactylorhiza umbrosa (Kar. & Kir.) Nevski (Orchidaceae): an addition to flora of India from Kashmir Himalaya" Check List, 12(3): DOI No. {ISSN: 1809-127x} Impact Factor=
  • "Effective Ex Situ Conservation Strategies of Saussurea Costus (Falc.) Lipsch An Endangered Medicinal Plant of Kashmir Himalaya" Sassurea, 6(5): 342 -349 {ISSN: 0373-2525} Impact Factor=
  • "Phytochemical Screening of Aquilegia nivalis Flax Jackson: An Important Medicinal Plant of Kashmir Himalaya: A Perspective." Advances in Biomedicine and Pharmacy, 4(1): 6 -12 {ISSN: 2313-7479} Impact Factor=
  • "A review on in vitro propagation of some medicinally important plant species of family Asparagaceae." International Journal of BioSciences and Technology, 10(1): 1 -12 {ISSN: 0974 – 398} Impact Factor=
  • "Effective Ex Situ Conservation Strategies of Saussurea Costus (Falc.) Lipsch An Endangered Medicinal Plant of Kashmir Himalaya" Saussurea, 6(5): 342 -349 {ISSN: 0373 - 25} Impact Factor=
  • "A rapid micropropagation protocol of Atropa acuminata Royle ex Lindl. - A threatened medicinal plant species of Kashmir Himalaya" Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 15(1): 576 -578 {ISSN: 0975-0967} Impact Factor= 0.289
  • "Effect of Cytokinins on Multiple Shoot Regeneration from Leaf Derived Callus of Inula royleana DC." Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech, 27(2): 189 -194 {ISSN: 1817-3721} Impact Factor=
  • "Effective Ex Situ Conservation Strategies of Saussurea Costus (Falc.) Lipsch An Endangered Medicinal Plant of Kashmir Himalay" " Saussurea, 6(5): 342 -349 {ISSN: 0373 - 25}} Impact Factor=
  • "Phytochemical screening of Meconopsis aculeata Royle, an important medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya:" A Perspective Research Journal of Phytochemistry, 10(1): 1 -9 Impact Factor=
  • "A review on in vitro propagation of some medicinally important plant species of family Asparagaceae" International Journal of BioSciences and Technology, 10(1): 1 - {ISSN: 0974 – 398} Impact Factor=
  • "Effect of Cytokinins on Multiple Shoot Regeneration from Leaf Derived Callus of Inula royleana DC" Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech, 27(2): 189 -194 Impact Factor=
  • "A rapid micropropagation protocol of Atropa acuminata Royle ex Lindl. - A threatened medicinal plant species of Kashmir Himalaya" Indian Journal of Biotechnology,, 15(1): 576 -578 {ISSN: 0975-0967} Impact Factor=
  • "Inventory and characterization of new populations through ecological niche modelling improve threat assessment" Current Science., 114(3): 519 -531 Impact Factor=
  • "Germination Studies of Critically E ndangered Angiosperm Plant Species Meconopsis aculata Royle Endemic to Kashmir Himalaya,India: A multipurpose Species" Medicinal &Aromatic Plants, 7(1): 1 -6 {ISSN: 2167-0412}} Impact Factor=
  • "An efficient in vitro regeneration protocol from leaf explant of Lavatara cashmeriana Cambess: an important endemic medicinal herb of Kashmir Himalaya" Discovery Agriculture, 7(3): 326 -336 {ISSN: 2347-3819} Impact Factor=
  • "Influence of explant and plant growth regulators on callus mediated regeneration in Lavatara cashmeriana, Cambess" Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7(3): 326 -336 Impact Factor=
  • "GOODYERA FUSCA (ORCHIDACEAE): A NEW RECORD FOR KASHMIR HIMALAYA, INDIA" Lankesteriana, 18(2): 151 -154 {ISSN: 1409-3871} Impact Factor=
  • "In vitro propagation of Kashmir Himalayan Rhododendron (Rhododendron anthopogon D.Don)." International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Engineering, 7(4): 2136 -2141 {ISSN: 2319-8354} Impact Factor=
  • "In vitro plant regeneration from hypocotyl explants of Rheum webbianum Royle." International Journal of Trends in Scientific Research and Development, 2(2): 1135 -1139 {ISSN: 2456-6470} Impact Factor=
  • "Somatic embryogenesis and synthetic seed development in Bunium persicum B.Fedtsch." International journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, 7(1): 1969 -1975 {ISSN: 2319-8354} Impact Factor=
  • "Comparative Effect of Different Nutrient Media on Regeneration Potential of Petiole Explants of Inula Royleana DC., A Multipurpose Plant Species of Kashmir Himalaya." Asian Journal of Plant Science and Research, 8(2): 15 -18 {ISSN: 2249-7412} Impact Factor=
  • "Genetic stability using RAPD and ISSR markers in efficiently in vitro regenerated plants of Inula royleana DC" Meta Gene, 18(1): 100 -106 {ISSN: 2214-5400} Impact Factor=

Research Scholars:

Gowhar Ahmad ShapooM.Phil Awarded Whole Time
Hadia ShafiM.Phil Awarded Whole Time
Samar AminM.Phil Awarded Whole Time
Asma BandayM.Phil Awarded Whole Time
Shayista ChishtiM.Phil Awarded Part-time
Miss. Ruqaya RasoolM.Phil Awarded Whole Time
Arisa NabiM.Phil Awarded Whole Time
Burhan Mohmmad PadderPh.D Awarded Whole Time
Mr. Mudasar AhmadPh.D Awarded Whole Time
Samar AminPh.D Awarded Whole Time
Gowhar Ahmad ShapooPh.D Awarded Whole Time
Iram BashirPh.D Awarded Whole Time
Sabreena RashidPh.D Awarded Whole Time
Sameena WaniPh.D Awarded Part-time
Sameena WaniPh.D Awarded Part-time
Jasfeeda QadirPh.D Awarded Whole Time
Iram Ashraf QaziPh.D Awarded Whole Time
Shah RafiqPh.D Awarded Whole Time