My Vision and Mission for the University of Kashmir is to achieve excellence in the interrelated areas of undergraduate education, post-graduate education, research themes and plans and in public services. The university will be uplifted to provide superior and comprehensive educational opportunities at the baccalaureate through doctoral and special professional educational levels.
The University will be uplifted to contribute towards the advancement of society through research, creative activity, scholarly inquiry and the development and dissemination of new knowledge, including the commercialization of University discoveries. The university will be uplifted to preserve and promote the arts, to create benefits for regional economy, to serve the citizens through public programs and through other public service.
University of Kashmir comprises of a remarkable range of UG, PG, Professional programmes built on strong foundations of liberal arts and sciences. With support and oversight of leading academicians, I will continually emphasise the faculty to innovate education and research to ensure that we meet the needs of our students and an ever-changing world.
To implement the University upliftment plans the strategies that will be followed are as under:
- To create a transformative educational experience for students focused on deep disciplinary knowledge; problem solving; leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills; and personal health and well-being.
- To cultivate a transformative university community committed to (a) attracting and retaining diverse, world-class talent; (b) creating a collaborative environment open to the free exchange of ideas, where research, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship can flourish; and (c) ensuring individuals can achieve their full potential.
- To impact society in a transformative way — regionally, nationally, and globally — by engaging with partners outside the traditional borders of the university campus.
The Core Purpose of my plan will be to transform lives of students and scholars for the benefit of society.
Core Values focused will be:
v Learning — Cresting a caring academic community for all of us i.e students Scholars and teachers helping one another to grow.
v Discovery — Expanding knowledge and human understanding.
v Freedom — To seek the truth and express it.
v Leadership — The will to excel with integrity and the spirit that nothing is impossible.
v Individual Opportunity — Many options, diverse people and ideas, one university.
v Responsibility — To serve as a catalyst for positive change in University and beyond.
Student Honour Code will be:
As a student of the University of Kashmir, all will be guided to abide by the core values of the University and uphold academic integrity.
University Code of Conduct:
I will emphasise that Each member of the University of Kashmir should uphold the core values through dedication, integrity, honesty, trust, fairness, and respect toward peers and community.
My priorities are:
ü To meet the changing patterns of research and teaching activities that result from changes in the size and shape of University that has been achieved during the decade of upliftment
ü To improve the utilization of space through new buildings designed for flexibility and shared use, and the effective sharing of existing teaching and research facilities
ü To improve the condition and functional suitability of the estate by re-purposing existing buildings which are vacated when new ones are built
ü To reduce the running costs and carbon emissions across estate
ü To enhance interstate, inter-institution, inter-continental collaboration in major and focused theme of research and academics which will uplift the University in general and younger generation in particular under present era of “Ever increasing demand”
ü In addition to managing our existing infrastructure, there is an ever increasing demand for space because of our growing research activities. We can develop new buildings based on new theme of self-dependence by utilization of research funding.
ü I will also prioritize to preserve our historical heritage buildings by undertaking full renovations as well as refurbishments
- Acting as Head, PG Department of Botany, Dean School of Biological Sciences, Director Centre of Biodiversity and Taxonomy, Controller of Examinations, Dean Research, Coordinator JK SET, UGC CSIR NET has given enough administrative and functional experience to handle important portfolios which are backbone of University functioning.
- As the founder Director of Directorate of Admissions and Competitive Examinations have strengthened the streamlining of admission of UG/PG and Research programmes in Kashmir University and allied and affiliated colleges and institutions.
- As Controller of Examinations have played a Key role in organizing two Convocations within a span of one months for distribution of degree and merit certificates to candidates of 9years. During these convocations President of India, Lt. Governor of J & K, and Advisor to Lt. Governor namely Sh R. R. Bhatnagar along many dignitaries were invited and participated in the same
- As member of the committee which created open access linkages with many institutions have been instrumental in giving strength to the University of Kashmir to facilitate conduct of not only its own entrance exams but also to conduct, UGC NET, UGC-CSIR NET, JK SET, KAS, NEET, and entrance for many Universities of north and south India.
- Getting @6 Collaborative Research project sanctioned under my Principal Investigatorship and run in co-operation with many universities like JNU, Delhi University, Jammu University, Jamia Hamdard, Jamia Millia Islamia, IHBT, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong has given a strength to establish a linkage with reputed labs and scientists which has strengthen my department in general and University of Kashmir in particular for upliftment of research theme and design.
- The funds that have been generated through these research projects have also facilitated establishmentof Kashmir University Botanical (KUBG) and High-altitude Botanical Garden at Gulmarg with all facilities like Green house, pothouse, hothouse poly house etc.. These have in turn facilitated development of Conservation Protocol for RET (Rare, Endangered and threatened) plants. This conservatory establishment has strengthened exchange of resources and sharing of information with both national and international centres like BSI (Botanical Survey of India), NBPGR (National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources), IBPGR (International Board of Plant Genetic Resources), CIMAP (Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants) and CDRI (Central Drug Research Institute). This collaboration has been fruitful for drafting future plans for student and scholar’s upliftment.
- Acting as Convener of many Science Congress’s, many seminars and workshops as well as delivering key note address have been a key step in uplifting the career of many scholars and young budding scientists under the present era of job scarcity and competitive stress
- Acting as member of project assessment and approval committee of UGC, DST, CSIR has given a strength of acting as mentor of many young teachers of the University and affiliated colleges for sanctioning projects in their favour which in turn has uplifted infrastructure and other technical requirements in such institutions. This plan will in future uplift the whole educational system of J & K.
- As Pioneering Director of University Landscape Development Division (ULDD) initiated the concept of “Green Campus is Dream Campus” which has resulted in converting many portions in small Cedrus (Deodar) forests. Every year in months of spring season plantation has now become an annual activity of universal importance